Station report for Effelsberg ============================= o the crack in the azimuth rail was repaired in March 2003. o the 2cm and 1.3cm receivers underwent a revision. Now their system temperature is much lower than before (especially for the 1.3cm system). o a Mk5 system was purchased and used succesfully during the test observations in May/June 2003. o the water vapour radiometer has been moved to the telescope site. After some test measurements, data was collected during the 3mm CMVA run in April 2003; the analysis is still in progress. For more information see: o holographic measurements of the antenna surface continues and so does the adjustment of the panels. Updates concerning the EVN Status table --------------------------------------- TABLE II 1) New receivers available: none 2) Changes or new measurements of the SEFD (sytem noise in Jy): 13cm: 300 Jy 5cm: 25 Jy 1.3cm: 90 Jy 0.7cm: 500 Jy 3) Changes in polarization characteristics: none 4) Check and update the frequency range of each telescope at UHF band (30+ cm) (Footnote % in Table II) no changes 5) Check and update the frequency range at 21cm (Footnote # in Table II) no changes 6) Plans to built new receivers? developement of a new 21/18cm system has just been started TABLE III: Frequency Agility Please update the information on receiver agility considering the following points 7) Switch time between different frequencies (ie 6, 3.6 2cm) 40 s 8) Is the switching under schedule control ? partly (as described in the status table) 9) 18cm - 21cm Switching: Is this under schedule control ? yes How long does the change take ? 40 s Are changes in the schedule (SNAP) file required at the stations ? no 10) 5cm: 6.0-6.7 GHz: Is it possible to change the frequency during the same experiment? yes Is the change under schedule control ? yes Are changes in the schedule (SNAP) file required at the stations ? no A. Kraus June 2003